Omar Manchester
Omar Manchester – May 27, 2008 – June 10, 2022

On Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 11am we will be hosting a Celebration of Life in honor of Omar Manchester. All are welcome to participate either in person in the FPCD Sanctuary or online at our Facebook Page. In recognition of Omar’s favorite book series, Harry Potter, please wear something to represent your house color. You can discover your Hogwarts’ House here. A reception will follow the service.

If you have a story, poem, or memory to share about Omar, please send it to along with your name and how you knew Omar. We will be collecting stories until Thursday, June 23 at midnight, and they will be shared at the Celebration of Life.

You can read Omar’s Obituary here. Our deepest sympathy goes out especially Omar’s family and friends, even as we stand in the hope of the resurrection, knowing that death is not the end but that nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ our Lord.