We are so thankful for our community partnerships!

Get to know our partner Giant Steps School. Giant Steps serves the Autism community and students come here to practice work skills while offering valuable community service help.

We are happy to host the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Trinity Congregation who worships every Sunday in the Sanctuary. They worship in both Twi and English for their noon service. All are welcome.

For over 15 years FPCD has been sponsoring Boy Scout Troop 75; see their website to learn about a host of exciting opportunities.

Welcome to our newest partner, Hope United Church of Christ! Their office hours are T, W, and Th from 9am – 2pm in the Sanctuary Office. Learn more about Hope UCC.

The Fountaindale Public Library Book Mobile is stationed at FPCD every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 5 – 7 pm. Visit the Bookmobile to check out items, pick up your holds and return borrowed materials.

First Aid Classes are taught in our building once a month. Go to the American Red Cross Website to sign up to learn life-saving techniques.